Research Life
Are we at risk of losing current generation of climate researchers to data science?
S Jain, J Mindlin, G Koren, C Gulizia, C Steadman, G Langendijk, M Osman, MA Abid, Y Rao, V Rabanal, AGU Advances, 2022
Why it took me eight years and three postdoc jobs to describe myself as a scientist
S Jain, Nature Careers
The challenge of leading inter-disciplinary research projects
S Jain, Nature Index
Three leading women in science share the highlight of their careers
S Jain, Nature Index
Hope, fear and climate scientists
S Jain, Nature Index
Science Outreach
Ignoring internal variability can lead to misleading conclusions on model fidelity
S Jain and AA Scaife, CCRS Newsletter Issue 4
Subseasonal outlooks for the ASEAN Specialized Meteorological Centre (ASMC)
Contributing Author, ASMC website
Monthly to seasonal outlooks for the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Centre (SEA-RCC)Â
Contributing Author, ASMC website
Tackling the challenge of weather prediction from days to weeks ahead
S Jain, YESS Interview Series, Waves-to-Weather (W2W) Project
The Role of WCRP SPARC in fostering the next generation of Earth-system scientists
S Jain, YESS Interview Series, WCRP Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate (SPARC) Project
The WCRP, YESS, HEICCAM, ASMC, CCRS, and GEWEX newsletters
Contributing Author
Third-Party Mentions
How to collaborate using only email
Interviewed by Andy Tay, For Nature Index
Outsourcing the work of industrial climate science
Editor's Highlight by Bjorn Stevens, For American Geophysical Union, EOS
From monsoon joy to fear: a climate crisis awakening
Interviewed by Genevieve Scanlan, For the International Science Council (ISC)